Radar as a technology is a corner stone of modern Driver Assistance features and an essential part of future Level 4 systems. Modern, state of the art production radar concepts today often revolve around Digital Beamforming and multi transmit-multi-receive architectures. Many of these are based on the time multiplexing of transmitters in a so called (temporal) MIMO configuration. However, there are emerging technologies that adopt different solutions for the creation of the radar antenna aperture (physically and algorithmically). These new technologies also impact the supply chain (new designs/requirements for RF chipsets, processing), how Tier 1’s can utilize such technology in the extraordinarily cost constrained automotive world (robustness, integration challenges) and the OEM, who may now have more choices to make within the context of a sensor set on a vehicle.

Veoneer will host a focused industry workshop in Wurzburg from March 12-14 as a
platform to share, educate and update the community on such emerging technologies and to contrast them with current in-production solutions.